Dichorisandra thyrsiflora Blue Ginger
Dichorisandra thyrsiflora Blue Ginger is a fantastic flowering ornamental ginger plant for shade or part shade positions. And while it is not actually a ginger, it is named so due to its resemblance to the ginger family. It forms tight, highly decorative clumps in the garden or in a pot. And flowers for around six months through summer and autumn. Large, beautiful blue purple flower spikes put on a great show, and are very long lasting. They love a rich well drained soil. A good quality potting mix is perfect. Or enrich your garden soil with compost and some rock minerals. They grow well in most parts of Australia and are quite cold tolerant, but need protection from frosts. Reaching a mature height of approx 1.5m. They can be pruned to keep them shorter. they are well worth a spot in the garden or in a decorate pot.
We have beautiful plants available in 140mm and 200mm pots.
For the perfect Blue Ginger food, try Flower Blend - one of these rock minerals!
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