Actinotus helianthi Flannel Flower
Dichorisandra thyrsiflora Blue Ginger
Adiantum Maidenhair Fern Pacific May
Phlebodium aureum Blue Star Fern
Dicksonia antarctica Soft Tree Fern
Dichroa versicolour Evergreen Hydrangea (currently pruned back)
Hydrangea Admire
Hydrangea Agnes Pavelli
Hydrangea Altona
Hydrangea Amethyst
Wisteria floribunda Kuchi Beni - Pink Japanese Wisteria
Wisteria floribunda Violacea Plena - Double Purple Japanese Wisteria
Wisteria floribunda alba - White Japanese Wisteria - growing - ready April 2025
Wisteria sinensis Jako - Jako White Chinese Wisteria - growing - ready April 2025
Wisteria floribunda Mauve/Purple Japanese Wisteria
Citrus Lemon Pinky - Pink Centred Lemon
Old Man Saltbush Atriplex nummularia
Lemon Myrtle Backhousia citriodora
Curry Leaf Murraya koenigii
Citrus Finger Lime Pink Crystal
Colourbond Trellis Hanger (sold singular)
Colourbond Half Pot Single Hole Fence Hanger
Colourbond Half Pot Double Hole Fence Hanger
Colourbond Basket Fence Hanger (single)
Colourbond Solar Light Hanger (one size)
Cheilanthes myriophylla Central American Lace Fern
Osmunda regalis Royal Fern
Hemionitis arifolia Heart Fern
Pteris argyraea Silver Brake Fern
Pteris multifida Spider Brake Fern
Hellebore Double White
Hellebore Double Peach Melba
Hellebore Double Lemon Zest
Hellebore Double Sunshine Blush
Hellebore Double White Spotted
Medinilla vexillifer Jungle Beauty - growing - ready soon.
Medinilla Lalique - Last One!
Medinilla pendula Salmon Delight
Medinilla myriantha Pixie
Medinilla magnifica Magnificent Chandalier Plant - Growing - Ready March 2025
Magnolia Soulangeana - Saucer Magnolia
Magnolia Heaven Scent - available in store - not for postage.
Magnolia Star Wars
Magnolia San Jose - available in store - not for postage.
Magnolia Dolly Horn - available in store - not for postage.
Bolusanthus speciosus Tree Wisteria
Idigofera decora Summer Wisteria
Wisteria Amethyst Falls
Citrus garrawayi Thornless Finger Lime
Citrus glauca Australian Desert Lime
Citrus Finger Lime Dark Red
Citrus Finger Lime Red Champagne
Daylily Sweet Pea (Miniature)
Daylily Sabbath (Miniature)
Daylily Little Christine (Miniature)
Daylily Kwanso
Daylily Gingerbread Man
Cast-Iron Glider Bench - Waratah
Cast Iron Side Table - Waratahs
Cast Iron Side Table - Rosella with Bottlebrush
Cast Iron Side Table - Leaves
Cast-Iron Glider Bench - Maple Leaf
Sweet Pea Cupani
Sweet Pea Erewhon
Sweet Pea High Society
Sweet Pea Jimelda
Sweet Pea Nimbus
Earthlife Rock Minerals Flower Blend
Earthlife Rock Minerals Fruit Blend
Earthlife Rock Minerals Veggie Mate
Earthlife Rock Minerals Garden Delight
Clivia Belgium Hybrid Red
Clivia miniata Cream Yellow
Clivia nobilis Falling Stars - Green Tip Clivia - available in store
Clivia robusta Swamp Forest Clivia
Clivia gardenii Major Garden’s Clivia - growing - enquire in store.
Royal Birds - Cast Iron Garden Stake Toppers
Rusty Snail Rain Gauge
Odette Holding Bird Feeder At Waist - Coming Soon - enquire in store
Odette Holding Birdbath On Shoulder
Waratah Letterbox - Mailbox with Stand
Hoya pubicalyx Chinese Black
Hoya pubicalyx Red Buttons
Hoya longifolia Minibelle
Hoya pubicalyx Super Splash
Hoya pubicalyx Splash
Japanese Handcrafted Secateurs High Carbon Steel Hand Laced Leather Handles - Smaller Overall Size, Designed For Smaller Hands
Japanese Handcrafted Secateurs High Carbon Steel Hand Laced Leather Handles - Flower Snips - Inward Curved Handles
Japanese Handcrafted Secateurs High Carbon Steel Hand Laced Leather Handles - Inward Curved Handles
Japanese Handcrafted Secateurs High Carbon Steel Hand Laced Leather Handles - Parallel Curved Handles
Blue and White Bird Wind Chime
Protea nana Mountain Rose Protea
Gift Voucher