Medinilla vexillifer Jungle Beauty

  • $89.95
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Medinilla vexillifer Jungle Beauty is a truly beautiful and stunning tropical evergreen flowering plant. One of the most beautiful of all Medinilla. and one of the most unusual! With their furry leaves - green covered in furry felty brown hairs. And their flowers that are so unusual and unique for a Medinilla. They usually don’t even make it into our retail nursery being pre-sold each year before they flower.
They produce the most beautiful large clusters of flowers. They flower profusely. Putting all their energy through spring into developing their profuse and abundant clusters of summer flowers, lasting 3-6 months. Followed by beautiful clusters of pink berries after flowering. Very unusual, but incredibly beautiful. They provide year round colour between the flowers and berries.

They are tropical plants. But do well in our climate in Sydney. As long as they are protected from frosts.And will perform even better if placed in a warmer position for winter. They make fantastic cascading pot and hanging basket specimens. They are small growers rarely exceeding 30-50cm in height in Sydney.

We have beautiful specimens available in 200mm pots. They may or may not have flower buds currently depending on age of plant and time of year. 

For the perfect Medinilla food, try Flower Blend - one of these rock minerals!

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